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My journey of 'innovations' for the last 40 years has been inspired and encouraged by several people who helped me see things in proper perspectives, hand held me with great encouragement, each moment was special with continuous learning and continues even today, I feel I have learnt little and done very little ! and there still is so much to do !


I wish to share some of the few precious moments I spent with them ;



Prof. J Srinivasan , IISc who gave me a lot of inputs for my innovations, my first guide , mentor and employer ! I learnt a lot under his guidance,  a truly inspiring man and my 'role model' 

Almitra Patel, a product of MIT USA, a great friend, guide , mentor and an inspirer. Most of my innovations are 'dissected' by her . Her insights have given me ground realities and helped refine many products !

Ms.Kumud Bhen Joshi, past Governer Andhra Pradesh, Chair Person KVIC, who brought me a lot of insight of Khadhi and was the main source of inspiration for the launch of my innovation the  E charkha. 

Dr.Uma Tuli, the past  Chief Commisioner of Disabilities , who inspired me to develop several products for the physically and other challenged persons seen along with the former CM of Delhi Ms.Sheila Dixit.

H.E. Freddy Svane, Ambassador of Denmark to India , a friend and an inspirer ! he inspired me to make several products and also gave an insight of tommorow's needs of mankind. Our interactions continue even today , He now serves as the Ambassador of Denmark  in Japan .

With Fanny Posselt a world famous social entrepreneur and founder of the world's most travelled hot dog stand, Fanny inspired me for making innovations to bring social change and empower the needy. Her targets are around the world including Greenland, Kalahari deserts, India and many more place.

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